
Author Archives: michael

My Gardening Month September 2024 … Building a Dancing Platform in the Front Garden !

Posted on by michael

September for me is always about memories of how fine the weather seemed to be when I was back in school in St. Mary’s in Clonmel looking wistfully out the window to glorious sunshine  , distant memories I know but always halcyon days ! I love September in the garden , cool temperatures and balmy evenings , the grass mowing  is reduced and now  planning for next season … not serious planning more musing however where our front garden was concerned serious action was about to be taken as Peter Cullen was back on the scene available for work and there was a pond to be either repaired or a […]

My Gardening Month August 2024 … Our cat is a lethal weapon !

Posted on by michael

I always feel August is that last great month of Summer in the garden although also a turning point downhill but with some lovely days of Autumn to look forward to . In my view there is no better place than Ireland in August with our temperate climate , no searing heat and we might even have a heat wave with 22 degrees ! A feature of a wild garden like ours at Old Spa Road is the wild flower explosion in late July / August and a favourite of mine is the purple loose strife , Lythrum salicaria , which loves wet ground especially along the banks of streams […]

My Gardening Month July 2024 … The Lawn mowers are back in Town !

Posted on by michael

Two contrasting climates this month as we experienced horrible heat in the early part of July in Croatia which was so bad even local friends found it difficult . The gardens really suffer there in the extreme heat which looks like lasting for over six weeks and plants just hunker down miserable looking and a lot of plants won’t recover at all … luckily over the past six years I have modified my planting in Croatia due to climate change and the increasingly higher temperatures . I have been a frequent visitor to the Croatian coast for almost thirty years and time was you would get perhaps three weeks together […]

My Gardening Month June 2024 … Cutting the Toe – Toes !

Posted on by michael

June is the half way point of the Summer with the longest day of the year on the 21st and probably the best time of the year in the garden with everything coming into it’s best with huge growth . That growth of course also includes the weeds and a neighbour asked me this week how to deal with a patch of weeds underneath a line of trees … if you are careful not to hit anything in leaf then a glyphosate like round up was my reply … can’t he says the wife is against it … does your wife weed … no he says … mine neither so […]

My Gardening Month May 2024 … Sunsets everywhere !

Posted on by michael

I am always amazed with the sheer lushness of Irish gardens in May and no place else in the world can beat us for that and yes there is a price to pay with some rain every day and I was particularly struck a few days ago walking into the garden here after a few weeks in Croatia with the stony terrain and heat there … the greenness jumped at me and we are lucky to have this climate … ask me though in January ?! Wildness or I should say “ controlled wildness ” is our mantra in the garden here at Old Spa Road but it can be […]

My Gardenin Month April 2024 … Releasing the Inner Hippy !

Posted on by michael

April is a great month in the garden with long evenings and everything coming into leaf however this winter here  has been one of the worst I can remember for rain and such was the water logging I wasen’t able to get in to cut the grass until the end of April . A few years ago I saw a beautiful white flowered plant at the foot of a tree close to our laneway , photographed it and discovered I had seen my first wood anemone . Garden centres don’t stock the wood anemone as it is a genuine wild flower across Ireland and Europe especially in woodlands where it […]

My Gardening Month March 2024 … Just wave your torch it’ll be fine !

Posted on by michael

I love March although a very busy time in the garden as it marks the end of the winter and you are in a race to get all bare rooted plants and trees into the ground before growth starts in earnest . Snezana’s sister Lydija with her daughter Sara , visited in March 2024 . My new hosta population has grown to eleven pots from five at the start of the month and I blame Lynda at Clonmel Garden Centre who has adopted a system that any of last year’s stock of perennials that has overwintered is sold off at a 50% sale price … nothing wrong with the plants […]

My Gardening Month February 2024 … Snow drop time blink and you miss them !

Posted on by michael

Early February is snow drop time and for about two weeks we get to enjoy them and I love the flowers as they are the first signs of Spring and each October I buy and plant about a hundred bulbs and while I used to buy the usual supermarket packets, these are tiny bulbs that struggle to survive and for the last few years I buy proper big bulbs in the garden centres that cost a bit more but flower the next year and get bigger every year . Of course the real snow drop fanatics , galantophiles they are called after the latin name for the flower , will […]

My Gardening Month January 2024 … Thank God January is Over !

Posted on by michael

Yes January can be a tough month to get through with gloomy daylight , post Christmas blues , shite weather … need I go on ?! When I titled this Thank God etc. it reminded me of a time Snezana and I were in New York and really hungry this particular evening we passed a fast food chain called TGIF which neither of us had heard of before … we don’t get out much … in we go and order almost everything on the menu , chips, burgers , onion rings , you name it we loved it … our waitress , a small  black lady  had to work hard […]

My Gardening Month December 2023 … Hello 2024 , Happy New Year , Sretna Nova Godina !

Posted on by michael

December of course is so busy for most people with family , visitors , food preparation enough for three sieges , effing and blinding because the Christmas Tree lights won’t work and the generally bad weather that hardly any work gets done in the garden and of course it is a good month to take off out there as basically everything is dormant and even gardens need a rest ! I often tell visitors to the garden that our garden would have a different design if we didn’t have deer traipsing through it every day and taking a bite out of anything that takes their fancy be it trees , […]