I first saw this pot ( one of a pair ) in 2000 in Clonmel Garden Centre but had no place for them however the new design in front of the garden room in early 2013 was the perfect match !
Even broken pots are kept !
The worst buy in a pot as the material is plastic fake antique lead but when broken has a charm of it’s own
My favourite group of pots in the garden which I had originally placed individually throughout the garden but when placed together have terrific impact
The old tin bath came from a Kilkenny car boot sale .. God knows how many irish kids were washed in it !
OK it’s plastic but I need to move the banana tree indoors for the winter
This tin bath I ought in Wexford where it was hanging up in a sadlery shop
We almost lost this in the big freeze of 2010 but wired it back together again !
There is a black pot here somewhere !
This small pot of alpines came from Avannos in Cappadocia, Central Turkey
I love this little pot both for it’s design and it’s sunny position at the entrance to the Lower Garden where it gives pleasure in all seasons
One of a group of three that I originally placed together but decided they looked better individually
Snezana fell in love with this pot and we found a place for it in 2015 … still not convinced myself though !
My favourite green colour and I love this group near the seating area in the Lower Field
A conversation piece of a pot ( one of two we have in the garden )
Got this pot in an end of season sale where it had an unloved look but I liked it’s run down appearance
One of three statement greek amphora type pots bought in July 2015 , no planting as this would take away from the look
A favourite pot placed in woodland across the stream in John Lawliss’s land with his permission but gives me a lift everytime I see it !
One of a pair of mustard coloured pots
Another greek amphora style pots tucked into a corner of the woodland area
My first primary colour pot and we have used this colour throughout the garden
One of a pair , this one hit by an excavator but still above ground in the wood !
The second of a pair of one off pots .. I love the teardrop effect of the ivy !
We have five of these egg shaped blue pots and they are great for shade positions in the wood
The other half of the broken red pot
By the swamp pool in the lower wood area
Another egg shape pot in deep shade where acuba japonica thrives
This pot adds to the tranquility of the water area in the lower wood
The blue brings colour to what is a north facing shade woodland area
This pot is sited so that it is backlit when you leave the wood into the sunlight
One of a pair of pots used to bookend the seat …. must change the hebes as they are looking sad !
Another egg shaped blue pot
Black does something for a shady place and as the pot faces south it is backlit most of the day
Quirky pair of pots , a bit bedraggled but eccentric in the woodland area on a bridge
I like the way the frost damage has improved this pot !
Milk Churn belonged to my neighbour, John Lawliss’s Mother
A lot of blue pots !
I use euphorbia palustris a lot in pots where regular watering is a problem
Toby like all the pots !
Favourite combination , blue pot , euphorbia palustris
Same pot different view
one of a pair , was used in milking machine parlours in the 1950’s
One of a pair guarding the bridge
It’s companion pot at the bridge
The pot was added as an afterthought this summer but it works and now ten years later in 2019 the rock and the pot are in different locations , such is the evolution of a garden !
A group of three
Filled with lamium chablis , a great pot filler
This is tucked away in shrubbery and surprises you
A pretty ordinary pot but looks unusual at ground level and I used black stones for contrast
Used as shampoo storage for the outdoor shower
One of Sanna’s first pots back in 2002 , a one off left on a shelf destined for her !
The green of the euphorbia palustris mixs well with the cotinus Garce
It’s main function is to cover up a power junction !
This small pot with it.s box ball neatly rounds off a sunny perrenial border
Another view , same pot
A lovely one off pot with an olive tree
A pot , one of a pair in the front garden patented on a 17th century design from a Kyoto garden
Another of Snezana’s eccentric finds
The pot is an old Kiltrea Pottery one and the mint was brought bakk from Morocco
Another blue pot … bought October 18th 2015
Another of Snezana’s pots March 2015
A Kiltrea pot
Because of the tender plant this pot spends the winder under a bamboo bush !
A little bonsai pot is home to sempervivum
Grasses need little looking after in pots … but in shade
From Potijelije in Bosnia .. a village ethnically cleansed during the war 1992
A shell from the Bosnian War 1992 – 1995
Filled with lamium chablis
Our young cat , Tutti Frutti likes this pot !A new group in the Gravel Garden September 2017My favourite pot in the garden coupled with Hosta June , May 2019Such a nice pot I have repeated it several times throughout the garden , May 2019The latest of the blue Greek style , bought January 2021 for the new water area My favourite group in snow March 2018Lower Garden July 2016There is a pot under these hostas ! May 2018
This hosta elegans had broken it’s previous pot in December 2013
December 2013
And in March 2021 broke this pot and is now on it’s third pot
The hosta lasted eight years until March 2021 and is now repotted In the Gravel Garden 2016April 2916 , Gravel GardenJanuary 2016 Gravel GardenJuly 2915 Back GardenPond Front GardenA quiet corner , Gravel GardenMay 2019 Front Garden My neighbour , Sebastian ,helps move a potPeter Cullen helps with this one Austin Rowan visits , Hosta June , May 2019Garden Pond When these pots arrived in April 2915 I grouped them together but then split them up
Keith , Clonmel Garden Centre , delivers the latest in June 2015Can’t have enough Greek style pots , July 2015We love blue pots , October 2015 , Gravel GardenBack gardenAnother greek amphora style pot in the Water Garden planted with hosta halcyon , June 2019Small bonsai pots but the wood underneath is from an 1860 Amish barn from PennsylvaniaBaclk garden and I love the combination of railway sleeper and bergeniasI leave this for hosta halcyon which the deer generally eat in May originally part of a pair we bought in 2002 Gravel GardenI love the shape of this small pot which is in the Tree House Wood land area A one off pot discovered by Snezana in a garden saleAnorger of the greek amphora type planted with hosta juneAs can be seen I love these big blue greek pots and this is another view !Two more greek amphora , different sizes , in the Water Garden October 2019The latest choice by Snezana in August 2019And how she looks with hair , festuca grass , October 2019This pot sits out on the balcony This pot newly planted with a small Japanese maple sits in the front garden , October 2019A new position for the red pot in the front garden and which used to house a small olive tree , October 2019One of a pair in the woodland garden planted with one of the best ground cover plants , lamium chablis also called dead nettle , November 2019 Cracked in the frost of the famously cold winter of 2009 but the box ball has thrived , November 2019More of a Japanese lantern than a pot Chris from Clonmel Garden Centre delivers my favourite greek amphora style pots April 2017
These two pots add drama to the steps outside the kitchen window
Back Garden 16th March 2021
Pots get moved around the garden , March 15th 2021
Back Garden 15th March 2021
Robert from Clonmel Garden Centre delivers three new pots in Match 2021
March 15th 2021 , new pots arrive !
These three pots arrived 1st July 2021 and went into the new water area in the Lower Wood .
The Lower Wood 1st July 2021
January 2022 Front Garden
This pot is in the Rock Garden , bought March 2023 and is the little brother of the next pot
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